


(A-2) Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info

On June 7, 2023, The Grayzone published an article titled "Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info." The article alleges that the FBI has been working with the Ukrainian government to censor Twitter users and obtain their personal information. The article cites leaked documents that show the FBI has been providing the Ukrainian government with lists of Twitter users who have been critical of the Ukrainian government. The FBI has also been providing the Ukrainian government with tools to track and monitor Twitter users.

The article has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised the FBI for its efforts to help Ukraine fight against Russian disinformation. Others have criticized the FBI for its overreach and for violating the privacy of Twitter users.

The FBI has not yet responded to the allegations made in the article.


The allegations made in the article are serious and warrant further investigation. If true, the FBI's actions would represent a significant violation of Twitter users' privacy and would raise questions about the FBI's role in foreign policy.

The FBI has a long history of working with foreign governments to investigate and prosecute crimes. However, the FBI has traditionally focused on investigating crimes that have a significant impact on the United States. The FBI's involvement in Ukraine raises questions about whether the FBI is now involved in a broader effort to support the Ukrainian government's war effort.

The FBI's actions in Ukraine could also have a chilling effect on free speech. If Twitter users believe that their tweets could be used by the FBI to track them down, they may be less likely to speak out against the Ukrainian government or Russian disinformation.

The FBI needs to be transparent about its role in Ukraine and explain why it is providing the Ukrainian government with lists of Twitter users and tools to track and monitor Twitter users. The FBI also needs to ensure that its actions do not violate the privacy of Twitter users.


The allegations made in the article are serious and warrant further investigation. The FBI needs to be transparent about its role in Ukraine and explain why it is providing the Ukrainian government with lists of Twitter users and tools to track and monitor Twitter users. The FBI also needs to ensure that its actions do not violate the privacy of Twitter users.


7年2023月<>日、The Grayzoneは、「リークにより、FBIがウクライナがTwitterユーザーを検閲し、その情報を入手するのを支援していることを明らかにした」というタイトルの記事を公開しました。この記事は、FBIがウクライナ政府と協力してTwitterユーザーを検閲し、彼らの個人情報を入手していると主張しています。この記事は、FBIがウクライナ政府にウクライナ政府に批判的なTwitterユーザーのリストを提供していることを示すリークされた文書を引用しています。FBIはまた、ウクライナ政府にTwitterユーザーを追跡および監視するためのツールを提供しています。






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